Office: +971 4 818 9096
Sports City, Dubai

Group 2

About us

Aquabiostep holds the exclusive distribution rights in the Middle-East for the sustainable wastewater treatment  System O)) from DBO International.

It is a unique certified and patented solution mimicking Mother Nature in its ability to clean and recycle domestic grey & black wastewater, simultaneously.

No chemicals, No energy, No sludge, No maintenance: just perfect for irrigation and multiple reuse purposes.  

There are over 200 000 installations worldwide, from single houses to bigger residential communities, schools, farms, hotels, gas stations etc.

Aquabiostep provides a full turn-key solution from design to commissioning.

System O)) was awarded the green Solar Impulse Label in October 2020! 

Find out how System O)) works

What is System O))
System O)) Water Reuse

Examples of Installations


Sustainable technology Wastewater Treatment & Reuse

Examples of Water Reuse


Internationally Recognized Certifications

Our Worldwide partners

© Copyright 2021

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.
